NEWS 100 E - page 29

Der Buchstabe,denSie zur Lösungdes Preisrätselsbenötigen, findet sichmittig rechts inderAnzeige
a chance, as is their wont, to escape from
theirboxesand turnup in theTV room, to
theprobablenon-amusement ofmynew
landlord.This tends to lead tounpleasant
conversations along the lines,“You’vegot
snakes aswell?You toldme youhadonly
fish and turtles!” The ruse of telling the
landlord that they must be native Ring
Snakes that had accidentally wandered
into his house works only when one
species at a timehas escaped…..)
Then the lid of the box containing the
Tokeh slipped open, and the latter
promptly disappeared behind a pile of
Next time I moved, again about a year
later, I actually succeeded in getting the
bynowadultTokeh intoa terrarium.But it
didn’t stay there long. A few days later,
duringmyevening rounds, I foundoneof
the two sliding panes open just a crack,
and the terrariumempty. Itwouldappear
that the littlemonster had kept on trying
tomove thepane so long thatheactually
succeeded! He could not have done so
without the suckers on his feet, which
allowed him to run up the vertical glass
So, again he was free. However, this time
his presence loose in the terrarium room
was not without problems.. At this time I
was also keeping a lot of birds, and
breedingpairswere allowed to fly free in
the room, as this was the most
convenient method of allowing them to
catch small insects for their young. One
day a much-prized finch disappeared
down the throat of theTokeh.
His appetite was also eventually his
downfall. Four years and another move
later (this time I didn’t even try to confine
him, but let him loose in the terrarium
room right away), I hada seriousproblem
with mice. They were gnawing electric
cables, and that could have been really
dangerous. The vermin exterminator was
summoned andduly laidpoison, andmy
Tokeh must have eaten a poisoned and
dyingmouse.A fewdays later I foundhim
lying in the open in the full light of day,
not even resisting being picked up. Ten
minutes later hewas dead.
Rarely has the demise of a lizard affected
me so deeply as that of this “ordinary”
littleTokeh–hewaswithout doubt a real
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