NEWS 100 E - page 19

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Themaintenanceand first spawningof
byPeter Schwabe
he males are easily distinguished
from the females as theyhave a very
highdorsal and aremore slender inbody
Returning home in a state of some
excitement, a number of questions now
came to mind. How was I to keep these
fishes, what did they eat, what sort of
substrate did they require? What sort of
décor? And above all, what water
parameters were necessary for their
successful maintenance? And because I
had bought them on impulse, I naturally
had no previously set-up and matured
aquarium ready for them.
Thus I decidedon the spot tohouse them
in a tank already containing bristlenose
catfish (
species L107). Because
the 200-liter tank housed no fish apart
from5 large L107, therewasnodanger of
crowding. The water in the tank had a
temperature of 26 °C, a pH of 6.8, a
hardnessof 1 °KHand4 °dGH.At the time
the conductivitywas 220µS/cm.
Theplantingconsistedofa large JavaFern
attached to a piece of bogwood. For
reasons of cleanliness there was no
substrate in the aquarium.Thewater was
filtered by a large, 3-chambered, internal
filter, which also provided adequate
current in the aquarium. The fish swam
around in all their glory. Now all I had to
do was to hope and pray that I had not
introduced any disease with them. I
therefore kept them under close
Corydoras tukano
at the age of 6
Photos:Dieter Bork
These beautiful mailed catfishes have me under their spell. In July 1998 I
bought10specimenson impulse,6malesand4 females.My firstexperiences
as regardsmaintenanceandbreedingare recordedhere.Nodetails regarding
the origins of these fishes are given, as a very good article on the species
appeared inAQUALOGNewsno.20.
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