NEWS 100 E - page 21

Der Buchstabe,denSie zur Lösungdes Preisrätselsbenötigen, findet sichoben rechts inderAnzeige
egg fungus, so I as usual added this
treatment to thewater.
The hatching of the eggs and the
development of the larvae did not differ
from that I had seen in other
species and which is described in the
relevant literature. What was unusual
about this spawning of
was that the conductivity was
around 1,100 µS/cm. The pHwas 7.2 and
the KH at 1 degree. The conductivitywas
sohighbecauseof the salt that hadbeen
added to thewater.
From then on the fishes spawned
regularly every 3–4 days, always with a
50% fertilization rate. Experimentation
showed that they stopped spawning at a
conductivity of 135 µS/cm. After a water
change and the addition of salt, which
brought the conductivity up to 1,600 µS,
they again spawned readily. In the
meantime I had bought myself an
additional 10 specimens and now had 4
tankswith5 individuals ineachcase.But it
was always the same fishes that spawned,
Corydoras tukano
The long-snouted form resembling
aphenomenon I amat a loss toexplain.
Rearing the young was problem-free up
until the time they started accessory
breathing (using the gut in
From this point on they were extremely
susceptible to bacterial infections, which
accounted for themajority of the fry. The
addition of antibiotics proved effective
only in the short term.After awhile a few
more of the young fishes would die.
Eventually I moved the survivors to the
tank containing the adults, where they
grew on without any further problems. I
never sawanysignsofeggcannibalismby
the adults, who were also extremely
peaceful towards very small fry.
aff. reynoldsi
– outlook as
regards theaquariumhobby
The fry grew very, very slowly despite
beingwell fed. It took them4_months to
attain 2 cm. Because breeding them is
unlikely to be a viable economic
proposition for thecommercialbreeder, in
the long term these splendid mailed
catfishes are likely to be available to the
aquarist only in relatively small numbers.
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