News 112 English - page 31

think there was ever any injection of fresh
blood. I didn't collect any specimens back
thenas itwasatthestartofthetripand Ionly
wanted to know if they were still there.
Nowadays the fishes in thehobbybear little
resemblance to wild specimens where
intensity of coloration is concerned. I really
must see if I can findaslideanywhere. Ionly
remember that is was a foul-smellingmire
and Iwas theonlyonepig-headedenough
togo into it.”
New localitydiscovered
Since 2004 the Flame Tetra has been
regardedasanendangered species inBrazil
andprotected,although itsprotected status
is worthless without effective biotope
conservation. In 1977 a location for the
FlameTetrawas suddenlydiscovered in the
fairly well studied upper Rio Tiete region,
where these fishes are apparently very
numerous and regularly included in
scientific collections. The most recent of
thesewasnot longago - 2011 - and there is
no indication that the populations of the
Flame Tetras in the upper drainage of the
Tiete are indecline.Unfortunately,however,
these populations probably derive from
introduced aquarium specimens - a very
The example of the Flame Tetra
demonstrates very clearly how important it
can be for us to maintain our aquarium
breeding isnotwithout itsproblemsdue to
gene-pool impoverishment, it is always
better topreserveaspecies incaptivity than
to let it disappear forever and irrevocably
Carvalho,F.R.,de Jesus,G.C.&F.Langeani
flammeusMyers,1924 (Ostariophysi:
Characidae),a threatened species fromBrazil.
Neotropical Ichthyologyv.12 (no.2):247-256.
Theequation suggested in the title - small fish= small aquarium - doesn't
always apply. Sometimes small fishes require larger aquaria than big
fishes. But in the case of the dwarf or coral gobies the equation is
absolutely correct!
Tinygobies for tiny
t is generally recommended that
beginners in the wonderful marine
aquarium hobby should start with an
aquarium with a volume of 100 liters of
the bigger the better. This is based on the
greater stability of the water in larger
aquaria. From a purely chemical viewpoint
that is,ofcourse,nonsense.A literofwater is
just as stable or unstable as 100 liters of
water.But there are three typical beginners
errors. Firstly, too much food because the
hungry. Secondly, the aquarium becomes
overpopulated. And thirdly, no regular
partial water changes are performed
because the water still looks clean. In the
case of all three errors a large amount of
waterhasabeneficialeffect,asabitofdirt in
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