News 112 English - page 26

conditions for these tortoiseswithoutusing
a greenhouse, and a well-designed
terrarium is also suitable for the
maintenance and breeding of Red-Footed
Tortoises. The really decisive element in
successfulbreeding is thecorrect feedingof
the tortoises!
DuringthemonthsofApril toOctober I feed
mainly wild plants such as dandelions,
narrow- andbroad-leavedplantains, clover,
thistles, stinging nettles, lesser bindweed,
and grasses. Depending on the seasonmy
tortoisesalso receiveassortedhome-grown
salad greens, cabbage, leaves from bushes,
zucchini and paprika. In summer and
autumn they get a certain amount of
windfall fruit as treats,but toomuch fruit is
oftenresults indiarrhea.Grassplaysaspecial
role inthefeedingofRed-FootedTortoises.It
containsa lotof fiberand isgreatlyenjoyed
by my tortoises. Many owners report,
however, that their Red-Footed Tortoises
Gras won't eat grass. In my opinion this
reflectsaproblemwith thedietoverall,as if
the animals become accustomed to too
much fruit (there are no fruit trees on the
savannahs!) then theywill turn their noses
up at thegrass thatmore closely simulates
their natural diet. In summer my tortoises
alsogetaweekly feedof soakedhaypellets
The sexes are easily distinguished in the Red-FootedTortoise.Herewe see the twoCherry-Heads from
page22again; themale (right) has anoticeably concaveplastron.
manufactured by Agrobs. In winter they
receive this typeof food three to four times
perweek. Interestingly, tortoises that I have
taken over from other people will accept
hay pellets only after a long settling-in
period,while "new"wild-caught specimens
eat them immediately. This reflects the
natural food supply, which undoubtedly
includes ahighpercentageof grass.Endive
have a particular preference for
eggshells instead of the cuttlefish bone so
belovedofother tortoises.
Mating takes place year-round in Red-
FootedTortoises,but isparticularly frequent
during the months from May to August
tortoise species. They swallow the fishes
I completely refrain from the use of
synthetic vitamin preparations as I am
worried about hypervitaminosis. Cuttlefish
bone and crushed hens-egg shells are
permanently available so that the tortoises
requirement. Females of
leaves, Romaine lettuce, cabbage, finely-
grated carrots, and dandelion leaves
completethebalanceddiet forthecoldpart
of the year. Paprika, mushrooms, or citrus
fruits are also fed every three to four times
permonthduring thewintermonths.
Every four weeks year-round my tortoises
receive freshwater fish (Roach or Smelt) or
turtle pellets, to provide themwith animal
protein.This isnecessary in thecaseof Red-
Footed Tortoises, unlike in many other
Mating Red-FootedTortoises from Surinam in the terrarium.These specimens are around 30 cm long (the
bricks inthebackgroundmeasure25cm).Onlyveryrarelydothesetortoisesattainacarapace lengthof40cm.
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