hy this isso is far fromclear.As long
ago as 1905 chamomile tea baths
were used successfully to treat fighting-
fishes suffering from cloudiness of the
corneaof theeye; thiswas reported in the
“Blättern für Aquarien- und Terrarien-
SeaAlmond leavesandAlder cones
Nowadays the use of plant medicines in
the aquarium hobby is largely limited to
the tropical Sea Almond tree (
),whose leaves are saidby some
users tohaveanalmostmiraculous effect.
Lesscommonly,but still regularlyused,are
the cones of the European Alder (
) and "sticks" of the bark of the
tropical Cinnamon tree (
Medicinal plants candomore!
OurnativeEuropeanplants includea large
number of species with very powerful
pharmaceutical effects. Some of them are
so potent that they are best not touched
because of the risk of poisoning. Others
are harmless, however, but very effective
nonetheless. Just a few of the most
importantof theseplantsare listedbelow:
Chamomile (
This ubiquitous herbal plant has a slightly
antibiotic effect and is also anti-
inflammatory. In addition it has a calming
Plantain (
Plantagomajor,P. lanceolata
These plants too are anti-inflammatory
andevenhaveantiviralproperties, i.e.they
are effective against viruses. In human
medicine, plantains are popularly used
against inflammation of the stomach and
themucus liningof thegut.
Peoplehavealwaysusedplants forhealing.Theyareprimarilyused inhuman
medicine,but domesticated animals have alsobeen treatedwith them since
time immemorial. It is only in the case of ornamental fishes that the use of
Medicinal herbs for fishes
byBirgit Bautz-Schäfer
Perforate St John's Wort (
Perforate St John's Wort is very effective
for encouragingwounds toheal.
The green leaves of the Birch contain
substances that encourage the healing
process in hard-to-heal wounds and
alleviate skin conditions.
YarroworMilfoil (
The scientific name
relates to the
hero Achilles of ancient times, who
purportedly treated his wounds with this
plant. Yarrow stops bleeding and has a
healingeffect onwounds.
Prevention isbetter thancure
The use of medicinal plants in the
aquarium is indicated when fishes have
been exposed to a particular physical
stressor, especially when it has been
necessary tonet them.Generally speaking
fishes are not all that delicate, but even
when they are handled carefully there
remains thepossibilityofminor injuries to
their bodies - injuries that aren't visible to
the naked eye. Nevertheless these
microscopic injuriescan (it isn't inevitable)
be entry points for potential pathogens
e.g. fungal spores or bacteria. If the
Immune system of the fish in question is
weakened because the fish has been
experiencing negative stress, then the
result may be that it falls ill. Medicinal
plants help the wounds to close rapidly
and heal quickly, and also restrict the
proliferation of potential pathogens and
alleviate the physical consequences of
negative stress.The latter is demonstrable
in humans at least; we know hardly
anythingabout thepsycheof fishes.
The use of medicinal plants has proved
particularlybeneficial innewly-purchased
fishes,as thenewarrivals arebound tobe
debilitated by all sorts of factors and
hence - asweareall toowell aware -more
susceptible to disease than established
fishes. Because the same applies to fishes
as to us humans: anyone exposed to
negative stress gets sick more easily. If,
despite the use of plants, an illness
develops, then that must be treatedwith
conventional fishmedication(s).Theuseof
herbs is no guarantee that fishes won't
become ill, but it doesmake it very likely
that nomedicationwill be required.
Howareherbsapplied to the fish?
Naturally herbs can simply be placed in
substances they contain will then be
releasedand reach the fishand its skinvia
thewater. But thismethod isn't generally
recommended as all the plants used in
and as a result contain lots of sugars and
other material liable to putrefaction. The
result will be a mass proliferation of
bacteria, shortage of oxygen, and bad
smells.Thebadwaterwill harm the fishes
rather thandoing themgood.
The answer to the problem: tea! Simply