News 112 English - page 16

Leporacanthicus triactis,
wild-caught color variant, importedbyAquariumGlaser in June2014.
The same specimenas above,viewed fromabove.The fish is about 8 cm long.
Aquarium Glaser imported three specimens
simultaneously in August 2014; this is
...and specimen3.
Rarecolor variantsof
Leporacanthicus triactis
The Three-Beacon Pleco,
,was first imported for theaquarium
hobby in1992.At that time thespeciesstill
undescribed scientifically and hence was
given the L-number 91, but only a year
later the scientific description of the
species as
Leporacanthicus triactis
published. The genus name
means ”Hare Acanthicus” and
refers to the long Hare-like teeth in the
upper jaw.
are not algae-
eaters but feed in large part on foods of
animal origin. It is thought that in thewild
the long teeth are used to extract snails
from their shells,but these fishes don't do
that in theaquarium.
Leporacanthicus triactis
comes from the
upper courseof theOrinoco inVenezuela,
and grows to a good 25 cm long, and is
thus one of the larger loricariid catfishes.
The export season for loricariids from the
upper Orinoco starts in january, and
during themost recent season Aquarium
Glaser imported a total of four very
striking color variants of L91. Remember,
Striking color variants of L91 have been
known for some time. They are, however,
always justoddspecimens,hencevery rare
and correspondingly sought-after. But
Leporacanthicus triactis
frequently been bred successfully in the
aquarium, it would appear to be just a
matter of timebefore attractive fishes like
these turn up in larger numbers in the
trade as tank-breds. Though the question
remainswhether that isdesirableornot,as
in the final analysis completely ”normal”
L. triactis
are also attractive fishes,
but it is highlyquestionablewhether they
will be able to hold their own against
colorful competition.
The sexes canbe readily told apart in L91
froma lengthofabout12cmupwards.The
males develop a longer head. Although
the species as a whole is regarded as
peaceful, some sexually ripemales canbe
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