NEWS 108 E - page 32

until thenext dryperiod. "ACardinal Tetra
thatmanages tosurvive from the previous
year in the Rio Negro is a real veteran,“
In the course of evolution the fishes have
adapted to theextreme livingconditions in
the dark, humin-stained, very soft water
and have sometimes evolved surprising,
evenbizarre lifestyles:theMarbledHatchet-
fish,everpopular in theaquarium,can leap
a longwayout ofwater,as cana tetra spe-
cies that jumps out of thewater to spawn,
attaching itseggs to theundersidesof lea-
ves and thus protecting them frompreda-
Weat amtrahaveworkedcloselywithPro-
ject Piaba right from the start.Theproject
is an ideal fitwith theprecept towhichwe
havededicatedourselvesatamtra formore
than 25 years – keeping fishes following
thewater is indispensable inprovidingof
the piaba with a natural biotope in their
newhome, the aquarium. But thismeans
thatcanspoil thewater.amtrahas reliedon
thepowerofNaturesince1986.amtra is the
only company on the market to offer a
mains-waterconditioner thatcontainsonly
pure, natural ingredients, and specifically
the substances that are present in large
amounts in tropical soft-water rivers and
streams, the so-calledDOC (dissolvedoxy-
gen carbon) compounds.Theseare, for ex-
ample, responsible for thedark amber co-
loration of the RioNegro, the home of by
far themostpopularaquarium fish,theCar-
Ifyouhaveanyotherproblems thenalways
ask for thenatural solution fromamtra.Your
localaquariumstorewillbepleased tohelp
Becausewe at amtra, just like theUN, are
convincedof thesenseofProjectPiabaEco
Amazon,wepromote itwhereverpossible.
You cando soaswell bybuyingamtrapro
nature products.We undertake todonate
partofourprofits toProjectPiabaEcoAma-
Scott Dowd andwe at amtra areworking
together on a new idea, the development
of aQRcode.Scanning thiswill link theor-
namental fish enthusiastwith awebpage
one of the world's unique landscapes by
buying piaba and amtra products. "if it
helps the families tomake a living inhar-
monywith the uniqueworld of theAma-
zon, then it isagood thing," saysScott.
Weagree,andwe'reworkingon it.
Impressionof theRioNegro, thehomeof theCardinalTetra andmanyotherpopular aquarium fishes.
Aquarium-fishcollector atwork.
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