NEWS 108 E - page 31

Schoolchildren intheBarcelosregion.Manyof their familiesearntheir livingbycollectingornamental fishes.
School bus in theBarcelos region.
problems. Scott Dowd is currently the lea-
derof theproject.
It is fascinating towatchhow the local fis-
hermencollect the fishescarefullyandvery
skillfullywith their littlenets.Theentire fa-
mily,whose life takesplacealmost exclusi-
velyon theverandaof theirstraw-thatched
hut on the river bank,helpswith thework.
They sort the fishes and transfer them into
baskets using hollowed-out gourds. Un-
wanted bycatches are sorted out on the
spot and returned to thewater.
"I knowof noothermoreenvironmentally
friendly fishery," enthuses Scott. But we
A typical settlementon theRioNegro.
All photos:UlrichGlaser
cannothelpbutaskhowevenso largea re-
gion can copewith the annual removal of
more than30million fishes?Scottexplains
it tous.Theentire,vastAmazon region isaf-
fected by dramatic fluctuations in water
level.Everyyear,during thedry season, the
water level drops by around 10meters, in
order to riseagainverydramaticallyduring
the rainyseason.This is,by theway,the rea-
sonwhy thehousesof the local peopleare
built on tall stilts on the bank.When the
water level sinksmillionsofornamental fis-
hes disappear, trapped in evaporating
poolsorpuddles.Evolutionhasadapted to
this. Many species produce enormously
largenumbersof offspringvia theproduc-
tion of hundreds, sometimes even thou-
sands, of eggs by a singlemother fish. In
thisway thepopulation recoversagainwith
every rainy season.
In fact the fishes that are collectedandex-
ported toaquariaallover theworldarebet-
ter off, as numerous fishes live for many
years in the aquarium,while in thenatural
habitat they survive for only one season,
nal manner and to train the fishermenon
thespot so theyarebetterqualified for the
work.Thismeans that the inhabitantsof the
regioncanearn their living inasustainable
fashionandarenot forced to resort toalter-
nativesourcesof incomesuchas the felling
of forestwithall thewell-known associated
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