for food in the relatively limited area
around theirhiding-places,and therewon't
beall thatmuch there.Food too rich inca-
lories is undoubtedly the commonest
causeof death inyoung tortoises incapti-
vity. Inpractice thismeans that unlimited
amounts of dry, nutrient-poor, but roug-
hage-rich food suchashayandhaypellets
can give a handful of mixed fresh food
(plantains, dandelions, clover, grasses, etc)
per individualperdayor, ifnothing isavai-
lable from themeadows,salad leavessuch
as Rocket, Romaine lettuce, Endive, or
Lamb's Lettuce. Iceberg and cabbage let-
tuce shouldbe avoided, they aren't parti-
Lotsof light!
Light is of immense importance for kee-
ping European tortoises healthy.Here too
if the plants listedabovearegrowingwell
then there is also sufficient light and its
composition issuitable for the tortoises.UV
light is of particular importance. As in us
humans,VitaminD3,which is of great im-
portance inbonemetabolism, is synthesi-
zed in the skinof reptiles under the influ-
ence of UV light. Softening of the bones
(best seen in the shell, which is, after all,
composedofbone)canbe the resultof too
littleUV light.The tradeoffersahugeselec-
tionof UV-light sources, providing some-
thingsuitable foreveryneed.Butbeaware
that UV light alone cannot replace the
amount of full-spectrum light required!
The amount of full-spectrum light has a
hugeeffecton thehormonebudgetof tor-
toises;withoutadequate light theywill cer-
tainly fall ill.
Singlyor ingroups?
European tortoises are essentially solitary
in the wild and come together only to
mateand in response toparticular triggers
(overwintering; local, seasonal reductions
in food supply).They do not become im-
ched baby tortoise knows instinctively
that it is a tortoise, as it will never have
known itsmotheroranotheradult tortoise
in thewild. European tortoises always be-
come tame, ie they learn to recognizehu-
mansasasourceof foodand react to them
accordingly. All this is independent of
whether theyarekept singlyor ingroups.
The advantage of groupmaintenance is
that individualskept ingroupsexperience
more social stress,whichhas apositiveef-
fect on their health. Unlike in everyday
usagewhere theword "stress" alwayshas
negative connotations, scientists draw a
very clear distinction between negative
stress (the technical term is "distress") and
positivestress ("eustress").Eithercancause
illness if itoutweighs theother toasignifi-
cant degree. Too much peace and quiet
canbe just asharmful as toomuchexcite-
ment.Abalancedmixture is ideal.
Many animals experience too little nega-
tive stress in captivity, as predationpres-
sure is lacking,and likewise theharmfulen-
vironmental influences that cost very
many lives in thewildare largelyabsent. In
addition parasite pressure is very much
lower in captivity than in the wild. So in
terms ofmaintaininggoodhealth the ne-
gative stress resulting from social stress (ie
competition for food, squabblingover the
besthiding- and sunbathing-places,etc.) is
verybeneficial andhence groupmainten-
ance is preferable to keeping them singly.
In addition it will provide the owner with
numerousopportunities for interestingob-
servationson the social interactionsof the
Asmentioned at the beginning, an article
like this cannot and shouldnot try tobea
substitute for a comprehensivehandbook.
It is intended toprovideadviceon thecom-
monest causesofmistakes in themainten-
ance of baby tortoises and how to avoid
them.Major and important topics such as
"outdoor or terrariummaintenance", "ter-
rariumandpen size",and "over-wintering"
havebeendeliberatelyomitted,as theyare
beyond thescopeofanarticle like this.They
will insteadbediscussed inanother issueof
Ifyouarenow filledwith thedesire tokeep
European tortoisebabies thenyoucanob-
tain them, for ex-
ample,orgetyourpetdealer toorder them
for you there.
ibera fromTurkey.