NEWS 105 E - page 38

Anthias – this is
- arean ideal accompaniment for LPS.
invertebrates completely in peace. And
anthias also do best when they are fed
several times a day. In addition anthias,
like LPS, don’t like it too bright. Hence an
ideal combination!Therewillbeadetailed
article on anthias in the next issue of the
News,aswell as tipson the correctway to
use dry food and automatic feeders, as
this is an areawhere seriousmistakes are
oftenmade through ignorance.
All in all, the large-polyp stony corals
currently being imported are a really
Catalaphyllia jardinei
wonderful addition to the reef aquarium
hobby. Plus their comparatively low light
requirement makes them very much in
keeping with the times, as the electricity
costs of a brightly-lit reef aquarium are
not inconsiderable.
If you are now filled with the desire to
keep these lovely corals then your pet
dealer canundoubtedlyorderonespecies
oranother foryou fromawholesalerofhis
acquaintance, for example Meeres-
aquaristik Reising in Alzenau-Wasserlos,
Fax+4906023 /31502
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