NEWS 105 E - page 37

and there is a big difference between
theory and practice. It is a fact that
maintainingamarineaquarium isahobby
rather than a career for the majority of
people. It isa thoroughlygoodhobby,but
the expenditure in time must remain
without bounds. So thosewhogoout to
work are advised to feed frozen food
morning and evening – all the varieties
available in the trade are suitable - and to
install an automatic feeder to distribute
dry food (flake or granulate) 2-3 times
Catalaphyllia jardinei
over the course of the day.Nomore food
should be given per feed than can be
eaten up completely within around 5
minutes. It is best to experiment at the
In this way it is possible ideally to satisfy
the requirements of very many of the
species maintained in the reef aquarium.
Anthias, for example,areperfect company
for LPS as they are planktivorous, ie feed
only on plankton and leave sessile
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