NEWS 104 E - page 45

First generation fromwild,pure-bloodEndlerGuppy strain.
fertile offspring, this is also opening the door to infinite
possibilities,withnew,small varietiesof bothguppiesandEndler’s
livebearers alreadymakinganappearance.
As things stand at the moment, there are – as always(!) - two
schools of thought regarding this issue. There are those who
believe that it’s a good thing as it leads to the creation of new
varieties.In theothercamp,thereare thosewho feel thatweareon
thevergeofasimilar situation to thatwhichexistsbetweenplaties
and swordtails, where few pure specimens of either now remain
within thehobby.
Itwouldbeagreat loss if either specieswere tobecome sodiluted
as tobeunrecognisable,but thehumanmind’s inexhaustible and
relentless search anddesire for ‘new’ fishmeans that this trend is
likely to continue. Hopefully, there will still be those who will
continue striving tomaintain themagnificentguppy (andEndler’s
livebearer) in as an ‘unpolluted’a form as possible for generations
to come.
Retroculus lapidifer
Peckoltia sp. “RedTiger”
Myleussp.“Lamax III”
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