NEWS 104 E - page 17

Maleof theRili variant.Males canbe recognizedby the slimmer abdomen.
Noend insight
But in themeantime not only red but also
bright yellow
Neocaridina heteropoda
beingbred.Oneveryattractivevariant is the
red and white checkered "Rili" form. This is
thought tohavebeenbred inTaiwan and is
sometimes also known as the Kohaku
Shrimp. Again reminiscent of Koi… The Rili
inexactlythesamewayasthe familiarCherry
To sumup inbrief: if possible these shrimps
should be kept in groups of 10 or more
specimens, with an underwater landscape
offeringasmuch cover aspossible, ieplants,
deadwood, dead leaves, large pebbles, etc.;
the substrate should consist of medium-
coarsegravel (grain size3-6mm) toprovide
cover for the numerous offspring,which are
initially bottom-oriented; water parameters
(hardness and pH) are of secondary
importanceas longasextremesareavoided;
28 °C, though abrupt temperature
fluctuations should be avoided; feeding
shouldbewith a staple diet of ornamental-
fish food (ideally tablet foods). Males and
females of
Neocaridina heteropoda
noticeably in body form; in this regard I
suggest lookingatthephotosaccompanying
thisarticle.Note that
doesn’t yet have an established popular
name. "Dorsal-Stripe Dwarf Shrimp" is
sometimessuggested,butthename isn’tvery
diagnosticason theonehand therearealso
other specieswithdorsal stripes, andon the
other some color variants of
N. heteropoda
don’texhibitanydorsal stripeatall.
Juveniles of all variants are inconspicuously
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