NEWS 103 E - page 30

means ”withgreat fins”
refers to thespoton thegillcover
dedicationname foranornamental
fish trader
means ”ofuniformcolour”
,also retain their family status:
In contrast to the complexities sur-
rounding its classification, the upkeep of
the paradise fish in aquaria is relatively
uncomplicated. One golden rule to be
followed is that one must never attempt
to keep more than one male in an
aquarium…unless this is largeenough for
each to establish its own territory, well
away from all rivals. The fact is that male
M. opercularis
are so aggressive towards
competitors that theywill tear eachother
to shreds, sooner rather than later.
One male and one or more females can,
however, be kept together in a well-
plantedaquarium,especiallyone thatalso
offers the female(s) some shelter. Other
similarly sized tankmates (M. opercularis
grows to around 10cm) aregenerally safe
in the company of a paradise fish, but
extremely small types arebest avoided.
The diet should be a broad-based one
consisting of a predominance of animal-
based foods over vegetable ones.
Livefoods are also taken, as well as
pelleted and flaked formulations. Two or
more feedsper day shouldbeprovided.A
wide range of pH and hardness are
accepted,aswell as temperatures ranging
fromaround15or 16oC to25oC.
Atbreeding time,amalewilldominate the
aquarium andwill build a bubblenest on
the surface, to which he will attract the
female. They will embrace under it and
release their eggs directly below it.These
will be tended to by themale, whichwill
defend the nest against all comers.
Hatching takes 2-4 days depending on
temperature and the fry must be reared
on the smallest foods at first.
Twoyoungmalesof thenew cultivated form ‘BlueRedstripe’displaying.
The femaleParadisefish (front in thephoto) canbe recognizedbyhermore roundedbody, smaller size,
and smaller fins.Thephoto shows the ‘Blue’cultivated form.
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