As each month we present the top 5 fish imports sponsored by Aquarium Glaser!
First Place – Dawkinsia assimilis
In South India a group of barbs exists that was formerly placed either in Barbus or in Puntius and which is now placed in the only recently (2012) erected genus Dawkinsia. In Dawkinsia a phenomenon exists that aquarists are used to know for example from cichlids from Lake Malawi: every new collecting site reveals a new sport. This often makes it impossible to determine the species for sure. Now we received a new “mascara barb” (due to the dark eye-band). This fish is either a sport of D. assimilis or a new species of Dawkinsia. We obtained a few fully grown specimens (photos) and a good number of juveniles.
Second Place – Pterophyllum scalare WILD Rio Xingu
We received very nice wild collected angels from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. The animals are “real” P. scalare with pointed snouts. They will most probably grow up to impressive, large fish.
Recently we could importa very limited number of a new variety of the rare species CW 45. The fish was named “Lessex” by the exporter. We adopted that name, but we donĀ“t know the meaning.
Third Place – Corydoras CW 45 Lessex
CW 45 is a deep bodied species, similar to C. armatus. It differs from the latter by the bright orange spot in the neck. C. armatus never has such a spot. In contrast to “regular” CW 45 the “Lessex” has black markings on the soft-rayed parts of the pectoral and the ventral fins. These are only visible when the fish is observed from behind or from above.
Fourth Place – Desmopuntius hexazona wild
The banded barbs from Southeast Asia were always matters of interest, both of aquarists and scientists. The generic position of the species was unclear for quite a long time: they were placed in Barbus, Puntius, or Systomus. But t seems that the problems has been solved finally. The elongated species are now placed in the genus Desmopuntius (species: D. endecanalis, D. foerschi, D. gemellus, D. hexazona, D. johorensis, D. pentazona, D. rhomboocellatus, and D. trifasciatus), the deep bodies species (“tiger barbs”) in Puntigrus (species: P. anchisporus, P. navjotsodhii, P. partipentazona, P. pulcher, and P. tetrazona).
Currently we received wonderful, fully grown (5-6 cm) wild collected Desmopuntius hexazona. They originate from Narathivat province in South Thailand. Like all Desmopuntius they should be kept in schools. The fish like soft, acidic water, and a tank furnished with many dead leaves, wood, and waterplants.
Fifth Place – Wonderful Red-Backed Congo Tetras
Finally we were able to organize an import from the Congo once more. This time the shipment contained very nice Red-Backed Congo Tetras (Bathyaethiops caudomaculatus). Generally speaking this species can be rather easily distinguished from other species of the genus; but due to one confusion in the aquarium literature it is almost impossible to clarify this in the trade. In hobby literature B. caudimaculatus has been determined as Phenacogrammus breuseghemi. That species really exists, it also originates from the Congo and is also now placed in Bathyaethiops, but it looks different. The caudal spot of the real B. breuseghemi is much smaller than the caudal spot of B. caudomaculatus. In the real B. breuseghemi that spot covers only half of the height of the caudal peduncle, so above and below the spot the regular silver colour of the body is visible. Sadly the Red-Backed Congo Tetra is imported only very rarely. So we had to use also the name “Phenacogrammus breuseghemi” on our stocklist despite we know it better. To make confusion complete: B. altus is most often illustrated under the name of B. caudomaculatus.Please see also