Top-imports November

Aseach monthwe present thetop 5fishimportssponsored byAquarium Glaser!

First place
Some killifish-specialists informed us now that this fish represents a population of the monotypical (= containing only one species) genus Renova, which was described scientifically only in 1995. The genus Renova differs from Moema only in a few minor anatomical details (less vertebrae, different head profile, smaller maximum size etc.).

This species was known among killifish enthusiasts under the name of “Moema from Isla Raton” before it was described scientifically. It is an annual (= lives for only one season), bottom-spawning species. Type locality is the island “Isla Raton” in the Orinoco river. This island is about 14 km long and 6 km wide.

Second place

Rachow´s Nothobranch (the species has been named to honour Arthur Rachow, thus the common name must end on a “w”) belongs not only to the longest-serving, but also to the timeless most beautiful species of killifish at all in our aquaria. Most often the orange colour morph is kept, which has been collected in 1958 near Beira and never disappeared since then, because enthusiastic hobbyist preserved them by breeding.

Third place

We received this beautiful tetra from Venezuela. So far we were not able yet to determine it exactly.

Fourth place

Fresh fish can be most easily recognized by the red gills. Thus the Labeo boga, which we currently obtained from India, must be very fresh. Why the gill covers in this peaceful, schooling species, which can attain a length of about 30 cm and is a much sought for food fish in its home county, are that translucent is unknown.

Fifth place

In 1975 the Berlin aquarist Günter Daul collected during a holiday trip in Mexico some swordtails in the state of Quintana Roo and brought them to his homeplace successfully. This strain was called later erronously Xiphophorus hellerii Yucatan. However, the state of Yucatan is located west of Quintana Roo. Thus the strain should be named correctly Xiphophorus hellerii Quintana Roo; but the fish has been illustrated so often in the aquarium literature under the name of Xiphophorus hellerii Yucatan that a correction would lead only to unnecessary confusion.


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