Aqualog NEWS No. 109 cactus catfish, Copycat surgeons, horned chameleons, Kissing Gouramis, Orange-spot mailed catfishes, Pearl Gourami, Silly Season, Snapper turtle, Terrestrial hermit crabs 19. September 2016 Mediathek: Flippingbook (mobile Version): ansehen PDF-Download: downloaden Orange-spot mailed catfishes Two-horned chameleons Silly Season Stories, Part 1: Pacus bite the balls off naked male bathers 16 Silly Season Stories, Part Lotti, the Snapper turtle A new large cactus catfish Copycat surgeons The Pearl Gourami Aqualog Kids:Kissing Gouramis TerralogKids: Terrestrial hermit crabs Leaf litter in the aquarium